Here’s a list of common 100 DSA interview question and answer. This should help you prepare for technical interviews.
Table of Contents
- What is an array?
- A collection of elements identified by index or key.
- How do you find the largest and smallest element in an array?
- Traverse the array, keeping track of the largest and smallest elements.
- How do you reverse an array in place?
- Swap the first element with the last, the second with the second last, and so on.
- How do you find duplicates in an array?
- Use a hash set to track elements you’ve seen before.
- How do you find the maximum subarray sum (Kadane’s Algorithm)?
- Iterate through the array, maintaining the maximum sum of the subarray ending at each position.
Linked List
- What is a linked list?
- A sequence of nodes where each node contains data and a reference to the next node.
- How do you reverse a linked list?
- Change the next pointers of each node to point to the previous node.
- How do you detect a cycle in a linked list?
- Use Floyd’s Cycle-Finding Algorithm (Tortoise and Hare).
- How do you find the middle of a linked list?
- Use two pointers, one moving twice as fast as the other.
- How do you merge two sorted linked lists?
- Iterate through both lists, inserting nodes in sorted order into a new list.
- What is a stack?
- A collection of elements that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle.
- How do you implement a stack using arrays?
- Use an array with a variable to track the index of the top element.
- How do you implement a stack using linked lists?
- Use a linked list where insertions and deletions happen at the head.
- What is the purpose of the stack in function calls?
- To store return addresses, local variables, and manage function calls.
- How do you evaluate a postfix expression using a stack?
- Traverse the expression, using the stack to store operands and applying operators as encountered.
- What is a queue?
- A collection of elements that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.
- How do you implement a queue using arrays?
- Use an array with two indices to track the front and rear of the queue.
- How do you implement a queue using linked lists?
- Use a linked list where insertions happen at the tail and deletions at the head.
- What is a priority queue?
- A type of queue where each element has a priority, and elements are served based on priority.
- How do you implement a circular queue?
- Use an array where the end wraps around to the beginning using modulo operations.
- What is a binary tree?
- A tree where each node has at most two children.
- How do you perform in-order traversal of a binary tree?
- Traverse the left subtree, visit the root, traverse the right subtree.
- How do you perform pre-order traversal of a binary tree?
- Visit the root, traverse the left subtree, traverse the right subtree.
- How do you perform post-order traversal of a binary tree?
- Traverse the left subtree, traverse the right subtree, visit the root.
- What is a binary search tree (BST)?
- A binary tree where for each node, the left children are less than the node and the right children are greater.
- How do you insert a node in a BST?
- Compare the new value with the root and recursively insert it in the left or right subtree.
- How do you delete a node in a BST?
- Handle three cases: node is a leaf, node has one child, node has two children (replace with in-order successor).
- How do you find the height of a binary tree?
- Recursively find the height of left and right subtrees and return the maximum of the two plus one.
- How do you check if a binary tree is balanced?
- Ensure the height difference between left and right subtrees of every node is at most one.
- What is a balanced binary tree?
- A binary tree where the height of the two subtrees of any node differ by at most one.
- What is a graph?
- A collection of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting them.
- What is a directed graph?
- A graph where edges have a direction.
- What is an undirected graph?
- A graph where edges do not have a direction.
- How do you represent a graph using an adjacency matrix?
- Use a 2D array where matrix[i][j] is true if there is an edge from node i to node j.
- How do you represent a graph using an adjacency list?
- Use an array of lists where each list contains the neighbors of a node.
- How do you perform Depth-First Search (DFS) on a graph?
- Use a stack or recursion to explore as far down one branch as possible before backtracking.
- How do you perform Breadth-First Search (BFS) on a graph?
- Use a queue to explore all neighbors of a node before moving to the next level.
- How do you detect a cycle in a graph?
- Use DFS and track visited nodes; if a node is visited twice in the current path, there is a cycle.
- What is a topological sort?
- A linear ordering of vertices in a directed acyclic graph such that for every directed edge u -> v, u comes before v.
- How do you find the shortest path in an unweighted graph?
- Use BFS starting from the source node.
- What is Bubble Sort?
- A simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.
- What is Selection Sort?
- A sorting algorithm that divides the input list into two parts: the sublist of items already sorted, and the sublist of items remaining to be sorted.
- What is Insertion Sort?
- A sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time by repeatedly picking the next item and inserting it into the sorted portion.
- What is Merge Sort?
- A divide-and-conquer algorithm that divides the list into halves, recursively sorts each half, and merges the sorted halves.
- What is Quick Sort?
- A divide-and-conquer algorithm that picks a pivot element, partitions the array around the pivot, and recursively sorts the subarrays.
- What is Heap Sort?
- A comparison-based sorting technique based on a binary heap data structure.
- What is Radix Sort?
- A non-comparative sorting algorithm that sorts integers by processing individual digits.
- How do you measure the efficiency of a sorting algorithm?
- Using time complexity (best, average, and worst-case) and space complexity.
- What is the time complexity of Quick Sort?
- O(n log n) on average, O(n^2) in the worst case.
- What is the time complexity of Merge Sort?
- O(n log n) in all cases.
- What is Linear Search?
- A simple search algorithm that checks every element in the list until the target is found or the list ends.
- What is Binary Search?
- A search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half.
- How do you implement Binary Search?
- Check the middle element; if it is the target, return its index. If it is less than the target, search the right half. Otherwise, search the left half.
- What is the time complexity of Linear Search?
- O(n).
- What is the time complexity of Binary Search?
- O(log n).
- What is hashing?
- A technique to convert a range of key values into a range of indexes of an array.
- What is a hash table?
- A data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values.
- How do you handle collisions in a hash table?
- Using techniques like chaining (linked lists) or open addressing (linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing).
- What is a hash function?
- A function that converts an input (or ‘key’) into a fixed-size string of bytes, typically a hash code.
- What are the properties of a good hash function?
- It should distribute keys uniformly across the hash table and minimize collisions.
Dynamic Programming
- What is dynamic programming?
- A method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and storing the results of subproblems to avoid redundant computations.
- What is memoization?
- An optimization technique used to store the results of expensive function calls and reuse them when the same inputs occur again.
- What is the difference between memoization and tabulation?
- Memoization is top-down (recursion), and tabulation is bottom-up (iterative).
- How do you solve the Fibonacci sequence using dynamic programming?
- Use either memoization or tabulation to store previously computed values.
- What is the time complexity of the dynamic programming solution to the Fibonacci sequence?
- O(n).
- How do you solve the Knapsack problem using dynamic programming?
- Use a table to store the maximum value that can be obtained with a given weight limit.
- What is the Longest Common Subsequence problem?
- A problem of finding the longest subsequence common to two sequences.
- How do you solve the Longest Common Subsequence problem using dynamic programming?
- Use a 2D array to store the lengths of the longest common subsequences of the prefixes of the input sequences.
- What is the time complexity of the Longest Common Subsequence problem using dynamic programming?
- O(m*n), where m and n are the lengths of the input sequences.
- What is the Coin Change problem?
- A problem to find the minimum number of coins that make up a given amount.
- How do you solve the Coin Change problem using dynamic programming?
- Use a table to store the minimum number of coins needed for each amount from 0 to the target amount.
- What is the time complexity of the Coin Change problem using dynamic programming?
- O(n*k), where n is the target amount and k is the number of coin denominations.
- What is the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm?
- A string-matching algorithm that uses a prefix function to avoid redundant comparisons.
- What is the Rabin-Karp algorithm?
- A string-matching algorithm that uses hashing to find any one of a set of pattern strings in a text.
- What is the time complexity of the KMP algorithm?
- O(n + m), where n is the length of the text and m is the length of the pattern.
- What is the time complexity of the Rabin-Karp algorithm?
- O(n*m) in the worst case, O(n + m) on average.
- How do you reverse a string?
- Swap characters from the beginning and end moving towards the center.
- How do you check if a string is a palindrome?
- Compare characters from the beginning and end moving towards the center.
- How do you find the first non-repeating character in a string?
- Use a hash map to count character occurrences, then iterate through the string.
- How do you find all permutations of a string?
- Use backtracking to generate all possible arrangements of the characters.
- What is a trie?
- A tree-like data structure used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings.
- How do you insert a word into a trie?
- Traverse the trie and insert characters of the word at each level.
- How do you search for a word in a trie?
- Traverse the trie according to the characters of the word.
- What is a segment tree?
- A tree data structure used for storing intervals or segments and allowing querying which of the stored segments contain a given point.
- What is a Fenwick tree (Binary Indexed Tree)?
- A data structure that provides efficient methods for calculation and manipulation of the prefix sums of a table of values.
- What is a disjoint-set (union-find) data structure?
- A data structure that keeps track of a partition of a set into disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets.
- How do you implement union by rank and path compression in a disjoint-set?
- Union by rank attaches the smaller tree under the root of the larger tree. Path compression flattens the structure of the tree whenever Find is called.
- What is a Bloom filter?
- A space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to test whether an element is a member of a set.
- How do you handle collisions in a Bloom filter?
- Bloom filters do not handle collisions directly; they may give false positives.
- What is a heap?
- A special tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property (min-heap or max-heap).
- How do you implement a min-heap?
- Use an array where each parent node is less than or equal to its child nodes.
- How do you insert an element into a heap?
- Add the element at the end and bubble it up to maintain the heap property.
- How do you delete the minimum element from a min-heap?
- Replace the root with the last element, remove the last element, and bubble down the new root to maintain the heap property.
- What is a priority queue?
- A type of queue where each element is associated with a priority, and elements are served according to their priority.
- How do you implement a priority queue using a heap?
- Use a heap to maintain the order of elements based on priority.
- What is the difference between a stack and a queue?
- Stack follows LIFO, while queue follows FIFO.
- What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
- An array has fixed size and allows random access, while a linked list has dynamic size and allows efficient insertions/deletions.
- How do you find the intersection of two arrays?
- Use a hash set to store elements of one array and check for each element of the other array in the set.
- What is a Deque (Double-ended queue)?
- A data structure that allows insertions and deletions from both ends.
- How do you implement a Deque using arrays? – Use a circular array with two indices to track the front and rear of the deque.
This comprehensive list covers a wide range of topics and should provide a strong foundation for DSA interviews.
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